Saturday, July 8, 2017



Poverty Line.

This is a free ebook hosted in a few on line portals.

Title :
Poverty line
Poverty is not natural

I learnt economics from basics and tried to reason why there are the largest very poor population in India:?

Most poor can be traced to, invariably, ex-colonies of the of the invaders from west on the rest of the countries.

Most poor societies  spend billions of dollars in Arms and ammunition, for a war that will never take place.

Potential war is an opportunity to develop them in-house. But most small nations buy them from  the west and USA.

I invite NGOs working on poverty and educated enlightened individuals to read and comment in this blog.


Monday, April 17, 2017

Why Rich and Middle CLass hate Aam Admi party?

Amrit from Ocean of Milk
Betrayal by God's team!

The eastern Scripture has a story that took place in the world of Deities in the higher world of Gods. 

This story is a part of Bagavata purana vishnu purana and also mahabharata. 

That story maps on to several broken promises and betrayals among the humans.

The story goes that in the ocean of milk where Lord Vishnu, the protector of lives, floating on a large snake, has  deep inside has AMRIT. 

Anyone Consuming a little AMRIT will be freed from death.

There are two teams in the upper world, constantly waging war with each other.

Devas - higher lives than humans! and their sworn foes - the Asurs.
There would be frequent fights  between the twi. 
Devas  will be helped by Vishnu and Asuras will be pulped-up.Some episodes would appear Gods are unjustly taking sides with Devas. In no case Deva's won on their own, without the intervention of higher gods.

One such is the episode is churning the  ocean of Milk.

Devas seeks to take help from Asuras for churning the ocean of milk to takeout AMRIT  because they cannot do it alone. 

Promise them that they would share half of it. 

The churing starts. 
(Let us ignore events till the Armit appears)
Finally, Dhanvantari, the heavenly physician, emerged with a pot containing Amrita, the heavenly nectar of immortality

Fierce fighting ensued between Devas and Asuras for the nectar. 

To protect the nectar from Asuras, the divine Garuda took the pot, and flew away from the battle-scene.

The Devas appealed to Vishnu, who then took the form of Mohini and as a beautiful and enchanting damsel,  ( Mohini distracted the  asuras, (This is too bad  - unethical)  took the amrita, and distributed it among the Devas, who drank it. The story ends with the rejuvenated Devas defeating the asuras.

Betrayal in Mahabaratha style
This is what happened during and after Indian Independence

This is precisely what it took place in post independent India. Both poor and elite took part in freedom struggle.
Poor gave away their life and elite went to jail.

After freedom, the power to rule was snatched away by elite, the business families and political leaders.

Leaders playing the role of British and Elite playing Zamindars.

The common man, the poor among citizen left slave as his ancestors did for several centuries, as daily wage earners.

Why Elite, Political leaders hate Aam Admi Party

What Aam Admi Party promise and deliver is a very small part of that the common man really deserve.
  • Traditional parties elite wants to perpetuate what our aggressor did for 200 years.
  • Stashing away wealth to other economies
  • Sharing nation's wealth among political class and business class.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Why should every Indian read Puranas.

No economist and No Leader, 
 ever discovered the cause of poverty in India and other Ex British Colonies. 

Here Goes the truth!

Nothing new ever happens in Universe which is not told in Eastern Scriptures.

Who created poverty?
Poverty is not natural.

It is not just one person, but many.
Every society has enough resources and wealth for their citizen to live in comfort. But many countries have very large population of poor. This is true of several countries that were colonized by aggressors. The reason for poverty can be traced to:
(1) In the distance past, the alien rulers cornered the nation’s wealth and siphoned-off to their own country.
(2) After independence, it is the tiny Elite population in the country that controls the money (both directly and indirectly). They corner the nation’s wealth for themselves and siphon it off to other economic destinations. (The Stock markets like institutions, P Note types of instruments and Hawala Trading like practices, helped them).
(3) One of the important responsibility of the democratic Government is to distribute the nation’s wealth  among the citizen, equitably. Economic theories suggest an 80:20 Formula.
This mean, nation’s 80 wealth is owned by 20% of the citizen (Elite) and the remaining 20% of the wealth owned by 80% of the population
(Common man).
This is because, every citizen contributes to creating        wealth.
The countries that colonised other societies shared the wealth through the 80: 20 formulae in their native society But the citizen of the colonies were not eligible for a share in the wealth of their own nation. They can at best, work and earn wages as and when the work is available.
The independent and self-rule should have brought the change. But     the situation did not change after the colonized societies became independent.
The new rulers elected from among by natives continue use every governing processes and machinery that alien rulers used. Most painful of them is the economic policies that were followed by aggressors.       
Accordingly, the wealth of the nation continues to be shared between elite and wages for labour was left for common man, or the citizen.
Leaders Promised Prosperity
Bulk of the Indians are and were poor from over 1000 years of alien rule. During the last two hundred years, the poor in India has become poorer than ever before. That is when the British change traditional economy to controlled economy.
In controlled economy market was open to alien nations. That is what British did to stave and weaken the natives. This helped them siphon the wealth out of their colonies.
Elite within the society had a share the wealth with the alien rulers.
The poor, the impoverished, cannot learn & think.
Poverty, corruption and very low levels of Knowledge (lack-of ability to Learn & Think) are interconnected.
Leaders - Elite - Prospered
During the independence struggle, the leaders exhorted the poor, the common man, to take part in Independence struggle.
The leaders promise the poor that, after independence, every one of them will live like kings! 
There were the Elites standing by British. when common man fought for freedom.
But, alas, after Independence the fruits of freedom were shared between Leaders & Elite.  Nothing changed on ground, for the poor. The common man had to depend of Cooly or Wages!
The poor continues to become poorer year after year.
This has a parallel to an episode in the distant past and found in many Puranas  and the epic Maha bharatha.
Churning the Ocean of Milk
(Demigods & demons churning Ocean of Milk for extracting Amrit)!
The puranas as described as a celestial event follows. This has several parallels to earthly events.
The Demigods realized that they cannot churn the ocean of milk to obtain Amrit  (Nectar) by their efforts alone. They needed the demons to join their effort to succeed.
The demigods promised a share of the Amrit to demons. After the Amrit was churned-out they did not want to share it with them as promised.
Amrit was finally consumed by demigods only.
It is not clear what was the intention of the author in telling this story in a celebrated scripture. Most political leaders who run the counties have taken a lesson from it.
The lesson is, you can Break a Promise after the job is done.
In any society, there are two groups of people. (1) Rich and powerful called elite comparable to Demigods in the celestial world and (2) the poor and Powerless known as Common man comparable to demons in the celestial world.
While in celestial world the issue was Amrit (Nectar) economic wellbeing in our own world.
 On the average, every citizen is creating a wealth equivalent to Rs 100,000 per year.
(An economic report in internet quantifies as how the nation’s wealth gets distributed among Indian citizen: There are 84 billionaires in India, and they own a wealth of $248 billion, collectively.
It can be seen from various economic reports the fact that a mere 56 people in India own wealth as much   as what 70% of common man own today. This gap is widening year after year.
(This Accounts for one twelfth of India’s wealth)
(4) Every one (Except the men-of-knowledge) keep chasing money. Some use legal and illegal ways to get   money. (Note: Not that all the legal ways are fair and   just).
Everyone is successful in grabbing money to different extents. It is like a Marathon run. Several people run but Very few reach their goal.
Most people drop-off along the way at various points.
Marathon run is a matter of Physical endurance. In the marathon run chasing money, success is a matter of Mind, governed by learning abilities and thinking skills.
       (Read the e-book titled, Knowledge. Go, get it).
Who would blink first?
There are two situations when poverty will go!
1.         The poor might blink first. Struggle for survival, the defective education and painful life will enhance the ability to learn and think though slowly. 
Further they would be guided by lower middleclass people who have higher levels of knowledge but living in economic condition bordering poverty.
2.         The elite might blink first.
Elite corner the Money, by overt and covert means, not because they need it but because, they can. They merely take away the power of others to buy the products to live in comfort.
The Maya make them commit the sin of preventing the access of money that they deserve.
Neither the Elite need so much of money not can spend them enhance their life or comforts.
If they think that they leave it for their children they are wrong. Scripture tell you that there is nothing or none called I and Mine.
Elite merely steal from millions of their own countrymen to pass it on to a few whom he thinks that they are his own. This is nothing but a sin.
The idea of children, relatives, friends are illusions created by Maya.
The Spiritually elevated people tell you that every life is on an eternal journey and are not connected with each other.
When elite realises the folly, and stop cornering the wealth the nation,  poverty will vanish.

Who would blink first? Time will tell.


After 1000 years of rule by various countries, Indians were  left poor and with a mind of Cattle
What is so special about Most Indians became cattle by mind?
Cattle minded do not have ability to Learn and Think. 

The Cattle are unique, for
  • They can be enslaved. 
  • They can be made to sacrifice their lives.
  • They can be given promise and break the promise too.
  • Feed them for survival alone but can extract work till it wears-out completely. They can work for (free grass) wages.
  • Even after its death their mortal remains serves its masters - the human  (Leather Shoes, music instruments). 
  • The cattle headed, would be as loyal as horses and cows are to humans.
They are called common man or poor!
Before independence the leaders exhorted to common man to join the fight for liberation from the British. After independence, the Leaders promised the poor that, they will not be the subjects of the free India, but Kings!

After Indian Independence, rich became richer.
Poor became more poorer!

The countries where the poverty is minimal, the nation's wealth is shared by 80:20 formulate among citizen.

Post colonial ere Rich elites (Leaders and their crony shared, within themselves, the nation's wealth!

Poor are required to look for Wages for survival. 

Banks - the financial system is a simple proof.

Four hundred plus families enjoy the wealth of the nation. Farmer's commit suicide.

The monetized GDP nearly 10 times  annual union budget is never discussed anywhere. 

Several thousands of Lakhs Crores written-off as Non-performing Assets. The common man commit suicide unable to bear the economic problems!

There is nothing unusual about.
It is common with Hindu Gods taking help from Non-Gods and ditch them after their job is done! 

Read the following from Wikipedia!

India’s Independance & Hindu Cossmology.

In Hindu cosmology, the Ocean of milk the fifth from the center of the seven oceans. It surrounds the continent known as Krauncha.

According to Hindu mythology, the devas (gods) and asuras (demons) worked together for a millennium to churn the ocean and release Amrita the nectar of immortal life.

It is spoken of in the Samudra manthana chapter of the Puranas, a body of ancient Hindu legends. 

The gods and demons churned the sea.

When the Amrita finally emerged along with several other treasures the devas and asuras fought over it. 

However Vishnu in the form of Mohini the enchantress manages to lure the asuras into handing over the Amrita to her, which she then distributes to the devas. 

Rahu, an asura, disguises himself as a deva and tries to drink some Amrita himself. Surya (the sun-god) and Chandra (the moon-god) alert Vishnu to this deception.

Vishnu then decapitates 

Rahu just as he is about to swallow the nectar, leaving only his head immortal.

Moral of the story:

Independence was fought by both common man and elite. It was not possible for Elites and leaders alone fight it themselves.

As it happened in Ocean of Milk, in the realm of Gods, when the fruit of freedom struggle arrived  the Elite (leaders & their Cronies) took away depriving the common man their due share.